How Do Fleet Management Systems Reduce Carbon Emissions?

Climate change is real and enterprises acknowledge that by adopting environmentally-conscious practices. Fleet managers bear the responsibility to ensure their fleet causes the least harm to the environment. After all, commercial vehicles alone emit 17% of total carbon emissions which is about 9 Billion T of carbon footprints. With the right fleet management systems and practices, reducing this figure is possible. Let us learn how in this article. Environmental Friendly Fleet Management Practices Environmentally friendly activities hardly take resources from your business if you use fleet management software. However, using them will not only safeguard the planet but also help make your business higher yielding. Efficient Driving: Harsh driving is a big reason why vehicles lose extra fuel leading to higher carbon emissions. Check for careless driving practices such as harsh acceleration and braking along with overspeeding with fleet management software. Zero Idling: Idling Vehicles in...