How IoT Improves Fleet Management

We live at a time when a lot of pre-existing technological developments seem too futuristic to exist. However, that is exactly the pace our world is running at! Several fleet managers constrict their GPS tracking software to only vehicle tracking. However, they can only reap the benefits their software has to offer when they fully integrate it with IoT. Wondering why? Let’s learn in this article! What is IoT? Have you ever had your email account synced on two devices and had data transferred between the two automatically? Have you checked your phone’s screen time on your laptop? Well, these functions take place because of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a well-connected network of devices, information, and sensors sharing information over digital networks. The whole purpose of the technology is to allow as many devices as possible to the Internet and one another so that they can seamlessly share information with one another. It is also because of IoT ...